Thursday 16 August 2012

Tomy History

I have read about the beginnings of Tomica and 
Tomy, the company that makes them from different sources and I would like to share with you one that I like, which had given a fitting description about the company which I try to translate here to my best ability so as to share a piece of its history with you. After this, can you say you now know a little more about the history of Tomy/Tomica.. :flowerface:

1924年: February - "Tomiyama Seisakusho Toys" was founded beginning with the production of tin toys and planes (富山栄市郎により「富山玩具製作所」が創業開始).

1949年: - After the post war, toys production were resumed but during the same year, a fire blazed the "Tomiyama Seisakusho Toys". After which "Onyang 3 (三陽) Seisakusho Toys" was founded.

1953年: The company "三陽工業株式会社" or "三陽工業."was established.

1959年: "Shoji Toyama Co. Ltd." established.

1963年: "三陽工業." was renamed to "Tommy Industry CoLtd."

1970年: The product announcement of Tomica (トミカ製品の発表) was made on June 30 to commemorate that day.

1970年: First release of Tomica in August at the price of 180 yen (トミカ発売時の価格180円).

1974年: Revision of Price of Tomica from 180 yen → 220 yen.

1976年: Tomica Foreign Car Series released in April (トミカ「外国車シリーズ」「ロングトミカシリーズ」発売開始). Revision of Price of Tomica from 220 yen → 240 yen.

1980年: Revision of Price of Tomica from 240 yen → 280 yen.

1981年: Revison of Price of Tomica from 280 yen → 320 yen (tax not included).

1988年: End of Foreign Car Series (外国車シリーズ」を廃止). Amalgamation of Domestic and Foreign Series into 1~120 models.

1989年: Merger with "Shoji Co. Ltd. Toyama" and renamed to "Tommy Inc."(富山商事株式会社」を合併し社名を「株式会社トミー」に変名)

2000年: 30th Birthday of Tomica (トミカ誕生30周年) and Regular Tomicas are released on the 3rd Saturday also known as "Tomica Day" of each month ever since (この年から毎月第三土曜を「トミカの日」として定期的に発売されるようになりました). Revision of Price of Tomica from 320 yen → 360 yen (tax not included).

2001年: Tomica Limited Released in April ( トミカリミテッド発売開始).

2006年: Merger with "Takara Co.Ltd." and renamed name to "TakaraTomy".

2008年: Long Tomica Released Nos. 121~130 in December.
(Article: Ozawa20)

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